About Outages
What to do during an outage
Wasaga Distribution Inc. is committed to providing our customers with safe and reliable electricity. However, power outages or electrical emergencies can occur without warning and we encourage you to plan ahead and be prepared.
Be Better Prepared in 3 Steps: Make a Plan, Build a Kit, Stay Informed!
72 Hours – Are you Ready?
Emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere, and to anyone. Be sure that you and your family are better prepared for emergencies by creating an emergency plan and 72-hour emergency kit, learn more at Get Prepared Canada.
Reasons for Outages
Wasaga Distribution Inc. is continuing to expand and upgrade our electricity grid to help improve service reliability and resiliency throughout the Town. However, power outages are still a possibility.
There are several causes of power outages:
Outage Prevention
We work year-round to maintain, repair, and upgrade Wasaga Distribution’s electricity system to ensure the reliability of your electricity service.
Here are some of the more common programs we perform on a cycle or as-needed basis:
- Tree trimming programs to proactively identify and manage vegetation growth that may come into contact with overhead power lines.
- Visually inspect power lines and equipment to identify issues and take preventative measures before they fail.
- Install lightning arrestors to prevent damage to equipment due to lightning strikes.
- Install switches to sectionalize feeder circuits into smaller segments and deploy distribution automation and smart grid practices.
- Collect outage information and statistics that allow us to pinpoint problem areas in the system. We analyze outages and implement corrective measures as required. This may include additional tree trimming, maintenance activities on a particular power line or area, system reconfiguration, installing automatic devices, building new infrastructure, or replacing end-of-life equipment.